Transportation Planning
VRPA Technologies offers services related to the evaluation, assessment, design, and siting of transportation facilities including streets, highways, bike and pedestrian facilities, and public transit.
Services Offered:
Senate Bill 743 Analysis
Long-Range Transportation Plans
Corridor Studies
Mobility Elements
Parking Studies
Transit Planning and Design
Transportation and Land Use Integration Plans
Active Transportation Plans
VRPA prepared the first Long-Range Transportation Study (LRTS) for Riverside County. The purpose of the Study was to analyze the County’s transportation needs and put together a plan of improvements. The LRTS built on transportation planning efforts conducted by local jurisdictions within the County as well as previous planning efforts conducted on a County wide basis. The LRTS is a separate effort from the RTP/SCS conducted by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). The results of the LRTS will be used as input for the next update of the SCAG RTP/SCS, but the development of a specific transportation plan for Riverside County will allow the County to evaluate its transportation future with more local input and decision-making than is possible within the RTP/SCS development process.
VRPA’s responsibilities as prime consultant included:
Preparation of an Existing and Future Conditions memorandum
Development of a project prioritization listing
Preparation of an Issues and Strategies memorandum
Maintaining close coordination with the Study’s Advisory Committee
Development of the Draft and Final Long-Range Transportation Study
The project arose from the need to revise the City of Fresno’s FAX fixed-route bus services so they integrate well with the new BRT services (The “Q”) launched in February 2018. Bus routes and frequencies were adjusted to enable all parts of the City of Fresno to benefit from the newer higher speed and more frequent FAX-Q service at the core of the bus system.
VRPA’s responsibilities as prime consultant included:
Facilitating eight (8) workshops in different venues across the City of Fresno
Participating in several pop-up events held in conjunction with community events
Conducting interviews with key stakeholders representing transit riders, including County Social Services, major employers, and educational institutions
Seeking and obtaining public input on Title VI policies, including the threshold changes, disparate impact and disproportionate burden policies to guide the route restructure
Upon completion of the new FAX route structure in early 2018, the VRPA Team worked closely with Fresno Department of Transportation staff to educate and publicize the improved routes and schedules
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is conducting a Pilot Project to test the functionality, capability, usage and application of a Smartphone App-Based Occupancy Verification Service. The Pilot targeted users of the I-680 Contra Costa express lane corridor, incentivized carpoolers to use the app, and collected and evaluated usage information and data. The goals of the Pilot include assessing the functionality and accuracy of the technology, gauging user acceptance and ease of use, assessing privacy concerns, informing full deployment costs, and assessing future customization opportunities. VRPA is responsible for Pilot outreach/recruitment, Pilot strategies, webpage and outreach materials, and Pilot evaluation including Focus Groups. VRPA’s involvement on this project to date includes the following:
Development of a stakeholder listing for recruitment
Assistance with the creation of Pre-Pilot and Pilot Memorandum
Preparation of a Recruitment Strategy
Review of Pilot framework
Assistance with the creation of a Recruitment Plan
Review of the Evaluation Plan, Matrix, and Use Cases
Preparation of three (3) survey instruments (initial phase, ongoing phase, and final phase) to be tested by the Pre-Pilot/Pilot groups
Assistance with pilot recruitment via eblast and calls to the prepared stakeholder listing
Development of Focus Group materials including a Focus Group Framework Guide and a participant consent form