Public Outreach
VRPA Technologies offers services for creating and building partnerships, supporting the exchange of ideas and information among interested individuals and groups and resolving conflicts and challenges.
Services Offered:
Public Outreach and Education Programs for Transportation Projects (all modes)
Public and Stakeholder Meetings, Hearings, Workshops & Interviews
Meeting Facilitation
Speakers’ Bureau
Partner Agency and Technical Presentations
Door-to-Door Contact (Business and Resident)
Focus Groups
Public Service Announcements
Project Branding and Websites
Radio, Newsprint, and Online Advertising
Educational Videos, Surveys and Questionnaires
VRPA Technologies, Inc. was retained as a contractor to assist with implementation of a public outreach and education program related to California High-Speed Trains in the Central San Joaquin Valley. VRPA was responsible for helping to design the outreach program prior to the vote on Proposition 1A in November 2008. VRPA presented information regarding the system to over 40 different stakeholder groups. In addition, VRPA was responsible for development of the Scoping Workshop for the HST Environmental Impact Report/Statement (EIR/EIS) conducted in March 2009. VRPA prepared an outreach list with over 4900 contacts including elected officials and stakeholders from Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, and Tulare Counties. VRPA continued to assist the Segment 6 team with outreach activities that led toward development and certification of the EIR/EIS.
The purpose of the Fresno County Regional Microtransit Feasibility Study is to explore the feasibility of implementing microtransit in Fresno County. The study will determine the optimal geographies, use-cases, and service models for microtransit and will determine the estimated ridership and cost to provide several service alternatives. The study will enable the Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG), and the public transit providers in Fresno County, including Fresno Area Express (FAX), Fresno County Rural Transit Agency (FCRTA) and the City of Clovis, to make an informed decision regarding microtransit’s potential to improve customer satisfaction, reduce wait times, improve air quality, and expand access to underserved communities. Public outreach services for this Study are being led by VRPA, in coordination with Via Mobility, LLC, and Fresno COG staff.
VRPA’s involvement on this project includes the following:
Attendance and participation in stakeholder committee meetings
Assisting in conducting stakeholder interviews
Development of a Public Engagement Plan (PEP)
Preparation of bilingual community survey (both online and in-person)
Co-facilitation of public workshops
Participation at pop-up events throughout Fresno County
Developed of a public engagement synopsis report
Providing assistance on the Service Alternative Development Memo, Prioritization Memo, and Recommendations Report
VRPA provided outreach and communications services to enhance public outreach by facilitating public engagement for transportation planning activities for the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) across the State. VRPA and its sub-consultants worked together with Caltrans Headquarters and various Caltrans Districts to prepare public engagement tasks and cost proposals for transportation planning and engineering projects and carrying out the tasks outlined.
Efforts included the SR 99 Soundwall Project, State Route 20 Aesthetic Corridor Master Plan, the I-5/SR 99 Goods Movement and Truck Corridor Study, the SR 255 Engineered Feasibility Study, the US 101/Broadway Engineered Feasibility Study, the Pacific Coast Bikeway Plan in Mendocino County, the SR 12 Corridor Study, the Housing Siting, Air Quality and Health Roundtable, the California Household Travel Survey, the California Freight Mobility Plan Focused Group Outreach, the Transportation Planning and Programming Public Outreach Activities Phases I & II, Capital City Freeway (E Street) Transition Lane Project, District 12 Managed Lanes Feasibility Study/Project Study Report – Project Development Support Public Participation Plan and Early Outreach Activities, State Route 9 Planning in Santa Clara County, State Route 1 Scott Creek Lagoon Restoration and Bridge Replacement Project Phase I Stakeholder Engagement, and the Strategic Working Sessions on MAP 21 Performance Measures and Implementation.
The State Route (SR) 99 Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan (CMCP) is focused on identifying a broad range of multimodal opportunities for improving and enhancing the SR 99 corridor, and developing a stakeholder shared vision and implementation plan for the corridor that aligns with State goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and passenger vehicle miles traveled (VMT), and increase freight reliability and throughput for inclusive economic development. The development of the SR 99 CMCP is being led by the Jacobs Engineering Team, in coordination with California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Districts 6, 10, and 3, building from efforts by all three Districts, and drawing upon a rich inventory of previous and active planning efforts at the State, regional, and local levels. Public outreach services are being led by VRPA, in coordination with Jacobs Engineering and Caltrans staff.
VRPA’s involvement on this project includes the following:
Maintaining and updating the listing of stakeholder contacts identified for engagement
Development of a Public Outreach and Engagement Plan (PEP)
Preparation of engagement activity materials, including flyers, brochures, PowerPoint slides, maps, and photographs.
Attendance and participation in SR 99 CMCP Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings
Development of informational project videos
Preparation of public engagement summary reports