Traffic Engineering
VRPA Technologies applies engineering techniques to achieve the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on roadways.
Services Offered:
Vehicle Miles Traveled Analysis
Traffic Impact Studies and Assessments
Traffic Signal Timing & Design
Bus Rapid Transit Planning and Design
Transportation Safety and Evacuation Assessments
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Congestion Management Programs
This project was initiated by the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) to provide tools to assist local agencies in the implementation of Senate Bill 743 (SB 743). SB 743 has changed the way that transportation analysis is conducted under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Automobile level of service and delay are no longer used to determine significant transportation impacts under CEQA. Instead, a measure of effectiveness, Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), is used. VRPA led this project with assistance from subconsultant, Fehr and Peers. The project documents will provide assistance to local agencies in all areas of SB 743 analysis including minimum project size for VMT analysis, tools for estimation of project-level VMT, mitigation, use of local and regional models, recommendation of significance thresholds, procedures for level of service analysis after implementation of SB 743, and educational materials for decision-makers and stakeholders. The project included periodic meetings with the Local Agency Working Group, a set of stakeholders from local agencies set up to oversee and provide guidance for the project.
VRPA Technologies, Inc. (VRPA) was retained to assist with development of the State Route 198 (SR 198) Corridor Preservation and Improvement Strategic Plan (Plan). The completed Plan proposed, evaluated, and implemented a mix of incremental and lower cost/higher benefit alternative improvements, strategies, and actions to optimize the SR 198 Corridor performance and promote the highest preservation, sustained operations safety, productivity, and reliability of the corridor. This project was led by the Kings County Association of Governments with participation by the Fresno Council of Governments, the Tulare County Association of Governments, Caltrans, and various other stakeholders.
VRPA’s responsibilities on this project included:
Review of existing traffic and performance data
Development of new data through collection of traffic counts, traffic accident data, and accident index allowing for the rating and comparison of different segments of the corridor
Evaluation of goods movement and potential benefits capacity and safety improvements may have on goods movements
Assistance with the development of performance measures, listing of potential projects and preparations of Draft and Final plans
Assistance with the preparation of materials and presentations for the outreach meetings related to the Plan development
VRPA Technologies worked as a subconsultant to AECOM on the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Mira Mesa Boulevard Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Study. The primary purpose of the study was to determine low-cost traffic engineering and roadway widening improvements that would provide increased travel speeds for bus service on Mira Mesa Boulevard. The low-cost improvements were intended to serve for an interim period prior to providing more advanced BRT operations in the Mira Mesa Boulevard corridor.
VRPA’s role in the project was to develop traffic engineering improvements, assist in identifying roadway widening improvements, and to provide a benefit analysis (in terms of increased bus travel speeds) for all improvements. In addition, it was considered necessary to ensure that any of the bus-related improvements would not have a significant negative impact on automobile traffic. The resulting recommendations included a combination of roadway widening, exclusive bus lanes, and bus queue jump signal timing.
Image Source: San Diego Union-Tribune