Environmental Assessment

VRPA Technologies offers formal processes used to predict the environmental consequences of a plan, program, policy, or project ensuring that decision makers consider the environmental impacts before moving forward.

Services Offered:

  • Greenhouse Gas Emission Modeling and Assessment of Environmental Documents

  • Climate Change Assessment

  • Traffic Circulation Impact Assessment

  • Air Quality Impact Assessment

  • Noise Impact Assessment

  • CEQA/NEPA Analysis of Transportation Modal Plans and Projects

  • Environmental Documents for Transportation Studies and Projects

  • At Risk Assessment

  • Health Risk Assessments


  • VRPA led the preparation of the Program Environmental Impact Reports (PEIRs) to provide local decision-makers and the public with an objective program-level analysis of the potential environmental consequences of implementing regional transportation systems for Fresno Council of Governments, Madera County Transportation Commission, and Merced County Association of Governments. The PEIRs were prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and federal transportation and air quality requirements. The PEIRs focused on four Plan Alternatives including the No Project, Alternative Scenario A, Alternative Scenario B, and Alternative Scenario C. Each of these alternatives were assessed in terms of possible constraints on the environment and the ability of each alternative to meet State and federal Air Quality Conformity requirements. The information presented in the PEIRs were intended to provide a program-level disclosure of the potential impacts and to increase public awareness and participation in the regional transportation planning process.

    VRPA’s responsibilities included:

    • Collection of all critical existing reports, data, and analysis tools

    • Development of environmental setting and baseline conditions

    • Analysis of potential environmental impacts

    • Evaluation of and significance of potential impacts, and determination of feasible mitigation measures

    • Analysis of proposed RTP and project alternatives

    • Prepare Response to Comments and development of Final PEIRs consistent with CEQA requirements

  • VRPA prepared a Noise Study Report and Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impact Assessment for the Surf Ranch Development in Kings County. The Project sought to facilitate and permit a primary and secondary use for the 155-acre privately owned site for the full-time maintenance and operation of the existing wave generation system and ancillary structures for research and development activities and surfing programs. For the preparation of the Noise Study Report, VRPA conducted noise level measurements at the project site, then analyzed the results to determine potential sensitive receptors in the area that may be impacted by the Project.

    VRPA also conducted a thorough air quality analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the Project, including anticipated greenhouse gas and criteria pollutant emissions. VRPA evaluated short-term and long-term air quality impacts based on California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) significance criteria.

    Image Source: Los Angeles Times

  • VRPA Technologies prepared a Baseline Environmental Assessment for the project including a detailed Traffic Impact Study (TIS) and an Air Quality Impact Assessment. Other environmental analysis included a review and assessment of biological resources, traffic noise effects, archeological resources, land use, aesthetics, flooding, and other impacts resulting from runway extension, increased operations, and proposed lease area. The report addressed both California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Federal environmental issues. VRPA Technologies also assisted with development of the public education and outreach program for the project.

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